The Phoenix Journey

A woman's attempt to positive lifestyle changes.

Talking Smack… January 3, 2011

Filed under: The Hard Work — sunshineteach79 @ 7:59 pm
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So today I met up with Mike…and I thought today was just going to be a normal training session day where he and I just worked out.  Well…through talking with Mike and Dr. B, I got her to join in too and we boxed.  I was kind of talking smack and feeling confident when I walked in today.  These are a group of people who I feel comfortable with joking around with sarcastically.  Well needless to say they pushed me to my limit today.

First off, I have to realize that once I get into their office…a switch turns on and I’m ready!  Ambitious, determined, excited, motivated.  It fascinates me really.  It takes me about an hour to drive from work to their office, so while driving I’m thinking what todays session was going to be like.  Feeling like I didn’t really want to work out.  Primarily due to the fact that after Thursday’s discussion I pretty much became depressed.  On top of all that we started back at work today, so I was woken up by my 5:20 AM alarm.  Needless to say, waking up this morning was a bitch!

I hop on the treadmill for my usual warm up, and Mike and I are talking about doing some jogging.  Sure…I was all about it…lets go!  Even before I got a little walking in to warm up the muscles, I was ready!  However he wanted me to walk for 5…so at five we cranked her up to the 4.0 mph and 1% incline….and then I was off!  Felt great…nice and steady…right…left…right…left…right…left (I really wish they would put a picture of the tropics up in front of the treadmill…a thought I always think while I’m jogging there).  I ran for 3 minutes which was double the time I ran the week prior.  AWESOME!  I actually had more in me, but Dr. B was changing and we were going to box…and did we box.  I became dizzy, and ready to puke (but didn’t).  I was pushed to the limit today that’s for damn sure.  I feel great…GREAT…GREAT!  I am moving upward and onward to my success.

Dr. B and I also had a little chat.  She told me that she was once in my shoes…and thought that she couldn’t do it.  I explained to her, that I look at it from a naive point of view.  I don’t really tell myself I can or can’t do it.  That way no expectations for failure are set.  I’m just doing…and here I am…losing weight…building endurance…and feeling great!

I’ll take it!

With that, good night y’all, time to rest this body.