The Phoenix Journey

A woman's attempt to positive lifestyle changes.

Update… January 9, 2011

Filed under: Door Openings... — sunshineteach79 @ 6:28 pm
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So it’s been awhile since I’ve written anything.   It’s been an interesting week that’s for sure.  I started back at work this week, and keeping up with the working out left me feeling exhausted by Friday night.  On Monday there was some impromptu boxing that occurred because I opened my big mouth (see Talkin Smack).  I pretty much held the pads for my doctor to unleash her furry against my arms, shoulders, and neck.  That woman can pack a wallop.  I wouldn’t want to cross her in fear of getting beat down.  Anyways…by Wednesday I could barely move my neck.  Luckily I had a chiropractor appointment, and my massage therapist had a cancellation afterward…so I ended up with a 90 minute massage…YAAAHOOOOOO!  It was fabulous.

I am feeling much better, but I’ve also been doing stretches in order to keep the muscles from spasming.  The sooner this subsides the less headaches I’ll have.  I’ve been stretching in the car, at work, in the grocery store.  I’m sure people have looked at me funny.  Oh well.

I just spent my afternoon cooking.  COOKING!  I’m exhausted.  I made a homemade minetrone soup from the Moosewood Restaurant cookbook, and a chicken hash from a Weight Watchers cookbook.  Both look pretty good.  I didn’t have either of them for dinner tonight.  So I also made a hamburger (really homemade ones are sooooooooooo much better than McDonalds!).  In addition, I also prepared my meals for tomorrow.  One of them being a chicken salad sandwich.  I switched things up by making the dressing of the chicken salad into a honey mustard.  Should be delicious on my multigrain bread.

It’s been fun to keep track of my calories and how much of a difference there is between eating fast food all the time vs. making my own meals.  My trainer said I should keep my caloric intake under 1500 calories a day…and well…Im usually eating between 1200 and 1300.  When I was eating fast food on an almost daily basis, I was pretty close to 2000 calories a day (no wonder I gained so much weight).  According to my scale here at home, I’ve lost 7 pounds since the beginning of December.

So, that’s great news!  I’ve very proud of myself for choosing this path.  It hasn’t been easy and I’ve been working my tush off in trying to make sure I eat meals that I prepare myself.  While I haven’t gone completely organic or vegetarian, both appeal to me in some respects.  I don’t believe that I would ever go 100% vegetarian, I love beef too much.  (Part of being a mid-westerner.)

Oh!  Another thing, I tried drinking Diet Coke yesterday…and it didn’t even taste good.  I used to drink about 5-6 cans a day, and I can’t even finish one in a day.    I am preferring water.  🙂


That’s all for tonight.  Going to finish cleaning up and getting ready to head back to work tomorrow.  Hope y’all had a good weekend.